Weather in Bali in August

Weather Details August
Months max. Temp. Rain days Rainfall Season
Bali weather August 27°C 80°F 4 2.5 cm Dry Season

How is the weather in August?

Like July, August in Bali is right within the dry season. Usually, we expect the least rainfall this month. Bali’s temperatures are pretty much the same all year round, but in August during the night, temperatures don’t drop so much like in May or June. Holiday season for many countries, so it’s like July still high season. Prices for hotel rooms and villa rentals are up, at the same level of Christmas and New Year’s; and the south of Bali is bustling (Kuta, Seminyak, Ubud, Sanur, Nusa Dua, Benoa, Canggu). Lots of things are happening all over the island. And although you might get the odd rain shower, you will see the sunny sides of Bali.

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